Sunday, May 17, 2020

Notes from our recent class, 'The Common Characteristics of the Risen Lord'

Dear Parish Faithful,

Christ is Risen! 
Indeed He is Risen!

Apostles Peter and John at the Empty Tomb

You will find an attachment here that we used for this past Wednesday's zoom class, "The Common Characteristics of the Risen Lord." This chart gives us a full account of the various "places" the Risen Christ appeared, which include:

  • Tomb Area
  • An unnamed section with only the reference to the appearance to Simon (Lk. 24:34)
  • Country Road
  • Jerusalem
  • Galilee

Our main concern was with with the "common characteristics" of these appearances. As you read through these particular texts, try and come up with some of the common elements that occur more than once.

  • Think especially in terms of the meals that the risen Christ shares with his disciples. 
  • How do these meals relate to our own Liturgy? 
  • What differences exist between Jesus appearing to his male disciples and to the myrrh bearing women? 
  • Why does Jesus tell Mary Magdalene: "Do not touch (or cling) to me?"

The common characteristics of the Risen Lord - sounds like a discussion with some potential ...

Fr. Steven

* See also: Notes from our class, 'The Myrrhbearing Women and the Empty Tomb'