Friday, April 26, 2024

LENTEN MEDITATION - Day XL — 'Glory to Thee, O God, Glory to Thee'



Dear Parish Faithful,

'Glory to Thee, O God, Glory to Thee' (3x)

When the soul enters into the trial of spiritual aridity, or dryness, for the first time, it becomes extremely dismayed. This is especially true if there was a disciplined devotion to worship in sincerity of heart. One begins to be troubled and to wonder why this has happened and to look for the faults that may be the cause.

But spiritual aridity is not a sign of any kind of failure in a healthy relationship with God. It is only an important phase that the soul has to undergo, which may be regarded as a kind of pruning to prepare the soul for a more advanced spiritual life, not contingent upon psychological incentives or subjective pleasures....

It is therefore wrong to be upset during the phase of aridity. It is also wrong to stop praying on the pretext of finding no pleasure in prayer, for aridity is a living part of the very nature of prayer. It is able, if we accept it with contentment and understanding, to raise us to the higher stage of pure prayer, which is not contingent on emotions, sentiments, or incentives of any kind.

Thus, whenever you feel that grace seems to have abandoned you, be content with its hidden action. Rely instead on the strength of the impetus previously gained from your life with God....

The best thing to do is to accept aridity as it is and persist in spiritual activity with calm and awareness. Allow yourself to exert every effort to keep on progressing at the speed of one who travels across the desert and is never deterred by the pleasures of the city he has left behind from striding across the arid wilderness until he reaches his destination....

Spiritual trials in general are not undergone for the sake of attaining perfection, for this implies a sense of self-deification. Rather, we should submit to the sovereign purposes of God so that we may fulfill his will, for our obedience to God is the foundation of our life with him, and it is only this that leads us to perfection.

—Matthew the Poor,  Orthodox Prayer Life: The Interior Way


If I am not mistaken, Matthew the Poor, a very well-known and respected Coptic monk/elder, is referring by "aridity" what the spiritual tradition terms akedia. This is translated as "spiritual torpor," "listlessness," "apathy," etc. It literally means "not caring." It is a widespread spiritual condition, and not too many people - including desert-dwelling monks! - can escape its clutches. So encouraging, then, to hear how a spiritual master examines this condition and finds the providential dimension inherent in it.

A short personal note: When I was quite young, and well before I moved toward seminary and the priesthood, I encountered a small article about Matthew the Poor in Time magazine. This 20th c. desert-dwelling recluse (Egypt) really grabbed my attention at the time!


*** In yesterday's meditation on Phono sapiens, I failed to credit the author of the first paragraph, and hence that now rather unforgettable term. It was Matthew Gasda.

Thursday, April 25, 2024



Dear Parish Faithful,

People who grew up with phones—and even many older people who didn’t—can’t read a novel anymore, sit through a film without looking at their phones, sit through a TV show without pausing it to check their emails, finish an article online—in short, can’t really do anything without multitasking. There’s no moment of rapture in reading the first page of a book because the mind no longer expects to reach the end. The old tools of storytelling are obsolete; distraction supersedes even entertainment, let alone art. And because we can’t narrate our lives, “we can’t construct narratives connected to our own inner truth.” Truth simply falls out of the human vocabulary, replaced by big data: charts, memes, viral clips. Phono sapiens is “lost” in a “forest of information,” without passion or purpose.

—Matthew Gasda


Not exactly the usual "lenten" fare that I have been sending out this Great Lent. But no less challenging than what we have read thus far from a Church Father, or our more contemporary voices: Metropolitan Anthony Bloom, Frs. Alexander Schmemann, Thomas Hopko, and Lev Gillet, to mention a few. My contribution is not to add what you just read above, but to admit - confess! - that I, too, have found myself doing the same mindless and meaningless "stuff" with my phone. I am glad to be a member of homo sapiens, but distressed to even think that unless I am vigilant, I may be degraded to the ranks of Phono sapiens! In fact to curtail some of the above in my own life has been one of my focused "lenten projects" this year. Yet, I do continue to read long novels (and watch films) with great joy and attention, I am glad to further share. A suggestion: Choose a good, long novel for the summer and commit to reading it from start to finish.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

LENTEN MEDITATION - Day XXXVIII — 'A Vocation of Loss'


Dear Parish Faithful,

[Sunday’s] gospel (Mark 10.32–45) describes Jesus’ ascent to Jerusalem before his Passion. Jesus takes the twelve apostles aside and starts to tell them that he will be betrayed, condemned, and put to death, and that he will rise again from the dead. At the threshold of Holy Week could we be “taken aside” by the Savior for a talk in which he explains to us, personally, the mystery of Redemption? Do we ask the Master to help us understand at greater depth what is taking place for our sakes on Golgotha? Do we make it possible for Jesus to meet us in secret? Do we seize opportunities to be alone and quiet with the Lord? Then the sons of Zebedee come to Jesus and ask him to let them sit with him in his glory, one on his right and the other on his left. Jesus asks them—and puts the same questions to us: “Can ye drink of the cup that I drink of?” The Master then explains to the disciples that true glory lies in serving others. For “the Son of man came not to be ministered unto but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.”

—A Monk of the Eastern Church, The Year of Grace of the Lord


This is actually Fr. Lev Gillet (+1980). He once wrote: "What attracts me is a vocation of loss - a life which gives itself freely without any apparent positive result, for the results would be known to God alone; in brief, to lose oneself in order to find oneself." With an all-encompassing simplicity, he once wrote: "The Gospel is all that matters." Perhaps we can sense the truth behind those words most fully in the upcoming Holy Week.


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

LENTEN MEDITATION - Day XXXVII — 'The Lord leads the humble...'



Dear Parish Faithful,

Humility, in the Christian tradition, is called the mother of all virtues. It is the soil out of which grow faith, hope, love and all positive qualities of the spirit. The psalms proclaim that the Lord leads the humble in what is right and teaches the humble his way. They claim also, with proverbs and the prophets, that the Lord cares for the humble and gives them his grace. He listens to their prayers and vindicates them before their enemies. He crowns them with victory and clothes them with honor, giving them the whole earth as their inheritance in the upending kingdom which he establishes in the Messiah.

—Protopresbyter Thomas Hopko, The Lenten Spring


Every virtue that we are exhorted to cultivate, is always preeminently revealed in Christ, the perfect and sinless Son of God become Son of Man. This is the universal teaching of the saints and any and all more recent theologians, as Fr. Thomas Hopko above. Bearing this in mind, we can then ask, who is more humble than: 

"Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, 

did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 

but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, 

being born in the likeness of men.

And being found in human form he humbled himself

and became obedient unto death, 

even death on a cross." (Phil. 2:5-8)


Monday, April 22, 2024

LENTEN MEDITATION - Day XXXVI — The Mystery of the Sacrifice of the Eucharist



Dear Parish Faithful,

If the priesthood established by the law has come to an end, and the priest who is “in the order of Melchizedek” has offered his sacrifice, and has made all other sacrifices unnecessary, why do the priests of the new covenant perform the mystical liturgy? How it is clear to those instructed in divinity that we do not offer another sacrifice, but perform a memorial of that unique and saving offering. For this was the Lord’s own command: “Do this in remembrance of me” (1 Cor 11.24). So that by contemplation we may recall what is symbolized, the sufferings endured on our behalf, and may kindle our love towards our benefactor, and look forward to the enjoyment of the blessings to come.

—Theodoret of Cyrus: The Eucharist


An important perspective to maintain about the meaning of the "sacrifice" that we offer in the Liturgy. Especially after just hearing the powerful passage from The Epistle to the Hebrews, that "Christ ... entered once for all into the Holy Place, taking not the blood of goats and calves but his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption" (9:11-12). 

The one sacrifice of the Great high priest, Jesus Christ, is not endlessly repeated, but rather actualized (re-presented) in every celebration of the Eucharist. That is why the ordained celebrant - bishop or priest - is considered to be the sacramental image of Christ, who "offers and who is offered" and who distributes Communion to the faithful. That is the mystery that we enter into at every Liturgy. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

LENTEN MEDITATION - Day XXXIV — Dangerous Prayer



Dear Parish Faithful,

If the Lord comes to us, we should receive him with great joy and humility. But let us be careful not to seek mystical experience when we should be seeking repentance and conversion. That is the beginning of our cry to God. “Lord, make me what I should be, change me whatever the cost.” And when we have said these dangerous words, we should be prepared for God to hear them. And these words of God are dangerous because God’s love is remorseless. God wants our salvation with the determination due its importance. And God, as the Shepherd of Hermas says, “does not leave us till he has broken our heart and bones.”

—Metropolitan Anthony Bloom & George LeFebvre, Courage to Pray


Friday, April 19, 2024

LENTEN MEDITATION - Day XXXIII — 'When you give alms...'



Dear Parish Faithful,

In his sermon on the mount Jesus not only gives instructions about prayer and fasting, he gives commandments about almsgiving as well. Indeed, in the sermon, this part comes first.... Jesus, once again, did not say if you give alms. He said, when you give alms....

The apostles of Christ magnified the Master’s teaching about the need to help the needy. They insisted that human perfection consists in giving to the poor and following Christ. They taught, with Jesus, that the measure one gives is the measure one gets. They were convinced that the greatest imitation of God is to give everything without asking anything in return. And when such perfection could not be literally accomplished, the commandment to share one’s possessions, not from one’s abundance but out of one’s needs, was considered binding on all [Acts 4.32–35]....

A person who claims to believe in God but does not help the needy has no living faith.

—Protopresbyter Thomas Hopko, The Lenten Spring


We often link together "prayer and fasting," as in last Sunday's Gospel reading from St. Mark, when Jesus taught his bewildered disciples that a certain type of "demon" can only be expelled through "prayer and fasting." (Mk. 9:29). But, we also know that in the Sermon on the Mount it is "prayer, almsgiving and fasting" that are grouped together as the three essential practices of an integrated whole in the "spiritual life."

Thursday, April 18, 2024




Dear Parish Faithful,

Having mercy is God’s most distinguishing characteristic. Pouring out his mercy, his steadfast love, upon his covenanted people is his main occupation. Mercy is at the heart of everything that God is and does and gives to his people. It is the people’s most treasured possession. The psalms, for example, describe the steadfast love of the Lord, which is the mercy of our prayer, in numberless ways. The steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting and endures forever. It is higher and greater than the heavens, yet the earth is full of this steadfast love, and it extends to the heavens.

—Protopresbyter Thomas Hopko, The Lenten Spring


In his inimitable style, Fr. Hopko is commenting on and expanding the meaning of the Hebrew word hesed. We certainly depend on it! And this is the background for our innumerable petitions: "Lord, have mercy!"


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

LENTEN MEDITATION - Day XXXI — 'Give rather the spirit of Humility to Thy servant'



Dear Parish Faithful,

There is a glory that comes from the Lord, for he says: Those who honor me, I will honor (1 Samuel 2.30). And there is a glory that follows us through diabolic intrigue, for it is said: Woe when all men shall speak well of you (Lk 6.26). You may be sure that it is the first kind of glory when you regard it as harmful and avoid it in every possible way, and hide your manner of life wherever you go. But the other you will know when you do something, however trifling, hoping that you will be observed by men.

—St John Climacus, Ladder of Divine Ascent, as found in The Bible and the Holy Fathers for Orthodox


We commemorated St. John Climacus this past Sunday on the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent. That, in turn, brings to mind his great classic, The Ladder of Divine Ascent. Based on the Scriptures, St. John challenges not only conventional wisdom, but what may lie at the very core of our (fallen?) being: the need for praise, recognition, or the "glory that follows us through diabolic intrigue." That is why we pray for humility on a daily basis in Great Lent, through the Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian. What a hard gift to acquire!


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

LENTEN MEDITATION - Day XXX — C.S. Lewis: 'Our Desires are Too Weak'


Dear Parish Faithful,

"It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered to us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased."

—C.S. Lewis


As is often the case, C.S. Lewis offers a fine twist to our usual perceptions.


Monday, April 15, 2024

LENTEN MEDITATION - Day XXIX — Desert Wisdom and Baptism


Dear Parish Faithful,

Abba Moses of Petra was terribly embattled by porneia. No longer strong enough to remain in his cell he went and reported to Abba Isidore. The elder begged him to return to his cell but he would not accept that, saying: “Abba, I haven’t the strength.” So he took him and brought him up onto the housetop with him and said to him: “Look to the west.” He looked up and saw an innumerable host of demons; they were milling around together and shouting, ready for battle. Then Abba Isidore also said to him: “Look to the east.” He looked and saw innumerable hosts of glorious holy angels. Then Abba Isidore also said: “Here, these are they who are sent by the Lord to help the holy ones; those who are in the west are they who are fighting against them. These who are on our side are more numerous.” When he had given thanks to God for this, Abba Moses took courage and returned to his own cell.

—From Give Me a Word: The Alphabetical Sayings of the Desert Fathers


I believe that Abba Isodore was assuring Abba Moses that essentially God is far stronger than the Evil One. No matter the temptation - in this case "porneia" means basically sexual lust - the Christian, armed with the sign of the Cross, which is the outward manifestation of faith in Christ, has the necessary weapons to engage in this  "spiritual warfare" and emerge victorious. 

 It is essential, however, that we do not fight  these battles depending upon our own strength and resources, but always humbly seek the Lord's grace and presence. The angels in the "east" are more numerous, then the fallen angels in the "west." That takes up back to our Baptism, when turned toward the west we (or our sponsor) renounced and even spit on Satan. We then turned back to the east and confessed our faith in the victorious Christ.


Friday, April 12, 2024

LENTEN MEDITATION - Day XXVI — 'Types of This Tree'



Dear Parish Faithful,

“Oh how did we not remember types of this tree! For of old they were shown forth in many and varied ways and saved the lost. By a tree, Noah was saved, but the whole world, unbelieving, was destroyed. Moses was glorified through one when he took a staff as a scepter, but Egypt, with the plagues that came from it, was drowned as though fallen into deep wells. What it has now done, the Cross showed forth of old in image. Why then are we weeping? For Adam is going again to paradise.”

—Dialogue between the devil and Hades on their fall by the Cross, in St Romanos the Melodist’s On the Victory of the Cross, a crucifixion kontakion for Wednesday of Mid-Lent, as found in Hymns of Repentance (Translated by Andrew Mellas)


St. Romanos the Melodist (his icon is on one of our deacon's doors) was one of the great masters of a kind of poetic theology, on full display in his magnificent kontakia. His use of typological interpretations of the Old Testament, together with his arresting metaphors - and a certain "daring" speculation - as is this dialogue between the devil and hades, has created a series of wonderfully resonant images that the Church has embraced now for centuries.


Thursday, April 11, 2024

LENTEN MEDITATION - Day XXV — 'Cross-bearers' or 'Cross-wearers'?



Dear Parish Faithful,

But in order to be Christian, to be able to pronounce the words of the Creed, to say the Lord’s Prayer, to participate in the Liturgy, we must at least determine—not only to have a velleity, but a determination firm and clear—to live the words that we pronounce, to live our whole life on Christ’s own terms. Otherwise we are only spectators of the life, of the crucifixion, of the death of Christ. We are onlookers, interested listeners who may well be moved by one thing or another, but like the barren earth or the roadside of the parable we may well receive the seed for a moment or not receive it at all—and then, however much we proclaim our faith as an objective, intellectual truth, it does not reach us.

And this is a very important thing for us to realize and to remember, because that is how we all live, more or less, except the saints...

—Metropolitan Anthony Bloom, Churchianity vs Christianity


"Cross-bearers"  or  "Cross-wearers?"


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Eclipse: A Poem and a Reflection


Solar Eclipse, 4/8/24 - St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral, Cleveland OH


Dear Parish Faithful,

More Response to the Solar Eclipse: Here is a fine poem written by our parishioner, Neal Tew, following Monday's total solar eclipse.

Wonder thunders mutely in the heavens.

The planetary gearing drops her veil.

High in the sky the sun, abiding, hides,

as clouds their evening hues adorn.

The work-a-day world clogs and stills,

birds hymn their pillows ready,

and crickets their evensong intone.

Man and beast assemble 

in synagogue of earth and sky:

original orbits restored.

Silent psalms of praise,

the glory of God revealing.

Planetary Sabbath.

Interstellar engineering. 

4.8.24. 3:08 pm

Lawrenceville, Indiana

Thoughts on beholding the sudden darkness, with my girls, on a Monday afternoon. 


And the host of fine images from Jenny Harkins also in response to the recent solar eclipse:

When you wrote of the man who was weeping uncontrollably, it made sense- the image of God in us recognizes with fresh unfamiliarized eyes the same holy image in this magnificent beauty! Something like the shock of nostalgia, catching glimpse in that transcendent splendor of true Paradise; a call to our core, an aching pleasure.

Then like the close of an epic matinee, you blink disoriented back into the light of day; the dream that clutched your core melts immaterial and wafts away leaving the softest bruise of fingerprints; a signature of Love and future dejavu.



Dear Parish Faithful,

The greatest offering we can present to the Lord is our self. We cannot do this without giving up our own will. We learn to do this through obedience, and obedience we learn through practice....

Besides fasting we have other teachers to whom we can show obedience. They meet us at every step in our daily life, if we only recognize their voices. Your wife wants you to take your raincoat with you: do as she wishes, to practice obedience. Your fellow-worker asks you to walk with her a little way: go with her to practice obedience. Wordlessly the infant asks for care and companionship: do as it wishes as far as you can, and thus practice obedience. A novice in a cloister could not find more opportunity for obedience than you in your own home. And likewise at your job and in your dealings with your neighbor.

—Tito Colliander, Way of the Ascetics


Obedience - what an incredibly unpopular word! But read the Gospels and focus on just how totally obedient Christ is to His heavenly Father.


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Two More Reflections on the Eclipse


Photo by Sarah Holiday, shared by Nuns of Holy Transfiguration

Dear Parish Faithful,

I have received two new reflections on yesterday's solar eclipse, and wanted to share them with the parish

First, this from Erin Settles, a wonderful "first-hand" witness! I am further aware that others in the parish witnessed the total eclipse. I liked her description of the great difference between witnessing a total eclipse compared to a partial eclipse. We were impressed with what we saw, but we missed the "real thing!"

Fr. Steven

Hi Fr Steven! 

I just read your email about the solar eclipse, and wanted of offer a few thoughts and observations. 

I traveled with Spencer, the kids, and my mother to Indianapolis to be in the path of totality for the eclipse. Spencer and I saw the 2017 eclipse, and were completely amazed, so we knew we wanted to try as hard as we could to see this one. John was only a baby then, and I hoped very much that he would get to see this one, since he is now almost 8 and would be able to appreciate it. I wanted my mom to be able to see it as well. For a while, forecasts were predicting cloud cover for our location, but John and I partnered in daily prayers regarding eclipse visibility, and are overjoyed that the Lord granted our request to have an unobscured view at the moment of totality!

In 2017, I read a quote by someone who said that the difference between a total eclipse and a partial eclipse is like the difference between dying and almost dying. I found that to be absolutely true. Things change dramatically in the last minute before totality, and when 100% eclipse is achieved, you are able to witness something unlike anything I have ever seen. There is a complete metamorphosis in that instant. The sunindeed appears to be “black as sackcloth,” with a stark, white, flower-like corona around it. There are 360 degrees of sunset surrounding you, and stars in the darkest part of the sky. It is an otherworldly vision that causes me, as a Christian, to praise the Creator for gifting us with such wonders.

And as I was praying that my family would be allowed to behold this particular wonder, I also prayed that it would serve as a witness to everyone who saw it that our world has been made “just so.” The type of solar eclipse we can experience on Earth is unique among the planets: our moon is unusually large compared to other planets’ moons, and while it is about 400 times smaller than the sun, it is also 400 times closer to us than the sun, so that the two objects appear almost exactly the same size in the sky. Not only that, but the moon’s orbit allows it to pass in front of the sun in such a way that it covers it precisely, blocking out 100% of its light, while still allowing its ghostly white atmosphere, the corona, to be plainly visible, which is the only time we are able to see it. If one’s mind is open to the idea, a total solar eclipse is a wonderful opportunity to see the fine tuning of what can seem to be a random universe.

My family will remember the eclipse of 2024 as an example of answered prayer, a demonstration of the beauty God lavishes on creation, a testament to His care in ordering the heavens, and a memorable time of excitement and adventure for our family.

Praise be to God in all things!

Erin Settles


I also received this last night from our good friend, Mother Paula. You may want to look at the photos that the monastic mothers and sisters were able to take. Pretty impressive. I am glad that they made the trip and were able to enjoy the majesty of the eclipse!

Dear family and friends,

Some of us were blessed to travel to a state park in Garrettsville, Ohio east of Cleveland today to see the eclipse in its totality.

We enjoyed hiking on the Rocky trails, having a picnic lunch and then watching the beautiful eclipse.
Hope you will enjoy The photos.

God is wonderful in all his works!

Yours in Christ,

Mother Paula
OMT nuns

Here's the link to our photo album for today




Dear Parish Faithful,

"And God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night."  (Gen. 1:16)

“There was no sound. The eyes dried, the arteries drained, the lungs hushed. There was no world.”  — Annie Dillard, describing her experience of the 1979 eclipse from a vantage point in central Washington State

"Most of our communal enthusiasms these days are human-made: the Oscars, the Super Bowl, the election, the new BeyoncĂ© album. A total solar eclipse is a product of the natural world. It happens without elaborate stagecraft, without any outlay of capital. For this reason alone, it’s a rare occurrence. And there won’t be another in the United States until 2044."  — Melissa Kirsch of the NY Times

The current fascination - if not obsession - with yesterday's total solar eclipse is in itself a very interesting phenomenon. One issue, at least, is the question of motivation: What was behind the movement of an untold number of people all through Mexico and North America who did everything in their power to see as much of the eclipse as possible? Perhaps some of you traveled further north yesterday for that even more "total experience." As to motivation, we have astronomers/scientists, of both the actual and the "backyard" variety, who "live" for such moments. I can only imagine their mounting anticipation in the closing hours of the countdown. And I can only hope that their expectations were met, if not perhaps surpassed. There are countless human beings who are drawn to any and all of the different phenomena in the world of nature, both terrestrial and in the heavens above. Because of how rare it is, a total eclipse is then an event awaited for with great excitement. 

Then, there are theistic persons who are awed by God's omnipotent authority over the cosmos; and who desire to always glorify the "the Maker of heaven and earth and of all things both visible and invisible." The eclipse could have accentuated that impulse toward the glorification of God. Or, there are "religious" people who are determined to find a foreboding "sign" in the eclipse, even if it means embracing wild and baseless apocalyptic speculation, usually of the "doomsday" variety, and based on an offensive misappropriation of the Scriptures. And then, there are the countless multitudes drawn to the eclipse out of a curiosity to witness and participate with others in a rare spectacle drawing us closer for a few precious minutes in a communal experience - mingling shoulder-to-shoulder with our political and cultural rivals as we share a rare moment of peaceful co-existence as members of the human race! I was probably somewhere in that particular mix.

I stood outside the house with Presvytera Deborah and with neighbors up and down the block gazing upward with our solar eclipse glasses protecting us from the power of the sun. In fact, and perhaps strangely, I was equally impressed by just how light it still remained even though about 98% of the sun was covered by the moon here in Cincinnati. What a powerful source of light and energy! There is some real logic to the "solar worship" of days gone by. It was the cult of sol invictus that drew the Emperor Constantine toward monotheism and even the Christian revelation in the fourth century. And then it was over and we returned to the house and the mundane events of a typical day. All-in-all, a bit anti-climatic, but then again we did not witness the effect of a total eclipse and the surreal effect of total darkness for a few minutes in the middle of the day. The images that I later saw were quite impressive. Is that what Annie Dillard was describing in the passage above? And perhaps was that your experience? 

Doing a bit of follow-up reading on the subject, I came across a few voices that expressed some of the motivation and anticipation to behold the eclipse. In one article, I heard the voice of someone called Ali. She said the following: “I’m not a spiritual person. I don’t usually think about the bigger picture of what we’re swimming in. But I felt that at the eclipse. I had a sense that I’m this one person in this huge thing.” Ali further added: “Sometimes, the things that we’re not in control of are really beautiful. It’s not just bad things.” To use an astronomical term, that just may be appropriate in this context, was Ali and countless "non-spiritual" observers of the total eclipse somehow "orbiting" around the notion of a cosmos of not just intrinsic beauty, but of "something" purposeful, structured and designed? Were they longing for something or "Someone" that they cannot quite find the words for, but Who remains paradoxically present in His perceived absence? 

Just what is the "bigger picture?" Or, just what are we "swimming in?" I am hoping that it is not a hauntingly beautiful, but yet empty cosmos utterly devoid of any transcendent presence. Not to crash the party, but without God, I cannot but wonder what anything is really "about," including cosmic phenomena. Random beauty can both attract, but also evoke a certain dread on another, more intuitive level - the level of meaning. I am certainly not denying the meaningfulness of any distinct person's experience of the eclipse regardless of their worldview. And that would include the older man I saw briefly on the television who could not speak because he was weeping so hard when interviewed about what he witnessed. But on a day on which we literally looked up from our earthbound concerns, I think that many of us cannot but turn our minds to the "God question." Is everything around us - on earth below or in the heavens above - God-sourced or self-sourced?

At every Vespers service, when singing or chanting Psalm 104, we glorify our Creator for the magnificence and abundance of His creation: "Thou hast made the moon to mark the seasons, the sun knows its time for setting." (v.19) These two great "lights" are God's handiwork, effortlessly brought into existence by God's uttered Word and perfected by God's Spirit. These two lights were brought to our attention yesterday, and regardless of how momentarily, I do hope that it evoked a sense of awe from our limited vantage point. Or, perhaps we can simply say, together with Mireya Munez of Mexico: “I wanted to thank God because we are alive and He allowed us to see it,” she said. “I hope to be alive to see the next one, too.”

O LORD, how manifold are Thy works! In wisdom has thou made them all. (v. 24)

Fr. Steven