Monday, May 10, 2021

Proofs of the Resurrection


Dear Parish Faithful,


Paschal Meditation - The Ninth Day


We heard the extraordinary passage yesterday of Christ's first appearance to His disciples following His Resurrection, followed then by the Apostle Thomas coming to faith in a very dramatic way (Jn. 20:19-31). Here is a fine exegetical passage from St, John Chrysostom on the challenging issue of Christ's "spiritual body" showing the marks of the nails. We will discuss passages such as this one this evening during our Zoom Bible Study on Jn. 20.


20:27 Put Your Finger Here, and See My Hands

The Sign of the Resurrection. CHRYSOSTOM: It is worth inquiring how an incorruptible body showed the prints of the nails and was tangible to a mortal hand. But do not be disturbed. What took place was a matter of condescension. For that which was  so subtle and light as to enter in where the doors were shut was entirely lacking all density. But this marvel was shown so that the resurrection might be believed and so that people might know that it was the crucified one himself and not another who rose instead of him. This is why he arose bearing the signs of the cross, and it is also why he eats. At least the apostles repeatedly made this a proof of the resurrection, saying "we, who did eat and drink with him (see Acts 10:41). As, therefore, when we see him walking on the waves before the crucifixion, we do not say that his body is of a different nature but the same as our own. So after the resurrection, when we see him with the prints of the nails, we do not say that he is therefore  still mortal. It was for the sake of the disciple that he appeared in this way.