Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Krista West: The Sacred Art of the Vestment


Dear Parish Faithful,

Paschal Meditation - The Seventeenth  Day


This sounds like a very interesting interview on Luminous Podcast. As many of you know, Krista West has been making my priestly vestments for years now; and she led a lenten retreat in our parish just a few years ago. The recent Holy Week vestments she made for me were particularly beautiful, and I received many comments from many of you saying just that during our recent Holy Week.  Sorry I can only wear them for a week! I am sure that her comments on "beauty" will be most insightful, for beauty is a concept and reality that is very essential to Orthodoxy. Our liturgical worship has an aesthetic dimension, so that Truth, Goodness and Beauty are conveyed to us as we worship as a Body

Follow this link for the interview. Kh. Krista's brief introduction is below the photo.


I recently had the honor to be interviewed for the Luminous podcast which is offered by the Institute of Sacred Arts at St Vladimir's Seminary. Dr Peter Bouteneff and I chatted about aesthetics, the place of textiles in sacred art, the interaction of patterns and symbols, and why beauty is so important.

Click here if you'd like to listen to our conversation.