Friday, March 12, 2010

Practically Preparing for Holy Week

Dear Parish Faithful,

Service booklets for all of the Holy Week services are available if you would like to purchase a set. These books do not only allow you to follow the unfolding of the service, but also to prepare by studying the texts of the services ahead of time. All of the books are now being sold by St. Vladimir's Seminary Press. There should still be plenty of time to order them if you are interested. Each booklet is a convenient 4" x 6" with a paper cover. The available booklets are the following:

Feast of Palms - The Service of Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday - $5.00
The Bridegroom Services of Holy Week - $6.00
Holy Friday Matins - $7.00
Vespers of Holy Friday - $4.00
Matins of Holy Saturday - $7.00
Great and Holy Saturday - Vespers and Liturgy of St. Basil the Great - $6.00
Paschal Service - $5.00
Vespers of Pascha - $3.00

This link will take you directly to SVS Press' selection of service books, which has all the above. Some other service books are included as well, but all the Holy Week/Pascha titles can be found there.

Fr. Steven