Thursday, April 11, 2024

LENTEN MEDITATION - Day XXV — 'Cross-bearers' or 'Cross-wearers'?



Dear Parish Faithful,

But in order to be Christian, to be able to pronounce the words of the Creed, to say the Lord’s Prayer, to participate in the Liturgy, we must at least determine—not only to have a velleity, but a determination firm and clear—to live the words that we pronounce, to live our whole life on Christ’s own terms. Otherwise we are only spectators of the life, of the crucifixion, of the death of Christ. We are onlookers, interested listeners who may well be moved by one thing or another, but like the barren earth or the roadside of the parable we may well receive the seed for a moment or not receive it at all—and then, however much we proclaim our faith as an objective, intellectual truth, it does not reach us.

And this is a very important thing for us to realize and to remember, because that is how we all live, more or less, except the saints...

—Metropolitan Anthony Bloom, Churchianity vs Christianity


"Cross-bearers"  or  "Cross-wearers?"