Friday, June 30, 2023

The All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul


Dear Parish Faithful,

"Rejoice, first among the apostles, foundation of the Holy Church!"

"Rejoice, lover of Christ, named Paul, perfected in grace."

(Akathist Hymn to Saints Peter and Paul)

Yesterday evening, we celebrated the Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter & Paul with a Vesperal Liturgy. There were at least fifty worshipers present, so truly a festal gathering! Today, June 29, is the Feast of the Apostles Peter & Paul; and tomorrow, June 30. is the Synaxis of the Twelve Apostles. The link below is to a meditation of mine focusing on the two great apostles. 

Below that is another link to a fine article on the two apostles from Public Orthodoxy. It is written by an Anglican theologian who has a deep interest in the Orthodox Church as a member of an Institute that studies Eastern Christianity. She focuses on the Orthodox icon that depicts the two saints in a warm embrace as two preachers of the Gospel.