Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Two 'Pearls' from Fr Hopko

Dear Parish Faithful,

On Sunday, I shared a short piece of writing with the rest of the parish during the post-Liturgy discussion. After reading this out loud to everyone present and answering a few questions, it was clear that what I read made an impact on everyone, and there was more than a little discussion about it afterwards in the hall. Some of you were not there, so I am forwarding this document to everyone as an attachment to this note. This was sent to me by Fr. Thomas Hopko, and though not expressly indicated, I am sure that it is a work from his hand. Entitled "How Do I Know?" it stands as one of the best practical applications of Orthodox theology and spirituality that I have ever encountered. In a series of twelve simple and direct paragraphs, Fr. Hopko has synthesized an enormous amount of teaching in a thoroughly accessible manner that anyone and everyone can completely understand. This writing amounts to a "How to Live" directive for all Orthodox Christians. It is all quite uncomplicated - but also quite challenging.

I will also have some more copies available on Sunday. Actually, Fr. Hopko also sent me a sheet of "55 Maxims" which he must have prepared as an even briefer set of teaching for daily Christian living based on the present document. I will also have copies of that available.

Please forward any comments or questions that you may have.

In Christ,

Fr. Steven

Webmaster's Note: Both of these offerings from Father Hopko are available on our parish website in printable PDF format, along with a podcast from Fr Tom explaining the 55 Maxims in MP3 format.