Saturday, March 25, 2017

Connecting the Cross with our Lives

Dear Parish Faithful,

Over the years I have accumulated a group of meditations centered on the meaning and purpose of the Cross, attempting to connect the Cross of the Lord with our lives as Orthodox Christians, as we commit ourselves to the noble task of working out our salvation "in fear and trembling." 

In case anyone would be interested in having a "second look" at any one of them, I have compiled a series of links, and also provided the title given to each one, hopefully capturing something of the over-all content of each meditation. They are arranged to move backwards chronologically.

I just discovered that the meditation, "Through the Cross ... Joy!" has been posted on

Fr. Steven

"People of the Cross" (Sept. 2016)

"Cross-bearers - Not Simply 'Cross-wearers'" (April 2016)

"Before Thy Cross, We Bow Down in Worship" (Sept. 2015)

"The Life-Giving Cross" (March 2015)

"The Sign of the Son of Man" (Sept. 2012)

"The Place and Necessity of the Cross" (March 2011)

"The Place of the Cross - In the Church, and In Our Lives" (Sept. 2011)

"Through the Cross - Joy!" (March 2010)

"Inscribing the Cross in our Hearts" (Sept. 2010)

"We Belong to the Crucified One" (Sept. 2008)